2016 年5月4日,日本国立弘前大学北日本新能源研究所教授、四川大学杰出校友官国清教授在天博·体育全站app官网入口313会议室为我校师生带来一场题为“Development of Advanced Biomass/Coal Gasification Technology”的学术报告。本次报告会由化工学院院长褚良银教授主持。
报告会上,官国清教授首先介绍了北日本新能源研究所所在的地理位置及主要研究方向。随后,他从煤/生物质气化技术、高密度三塔循环流化床气化炉的开发、CO2回收和煤炭利用三个方面,介绍了其研究团队通过对现有工艺系统的改进,对能量进行梯级利用,减少可用能的损失,利用能源可用再生技术,达到提高能源利用效率的目的。他重点对CCT(clean coal technologies)技术中整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电系统的发展历史,提高IGCC效率的途径和三床式热解气化炉反应系统的工作原理作了详尽的介绍。最后,官国清教授展望了日本能源化工的发展方向。报告结束,官国清教授和现场师生进行了热烈交流,他耐心地回答了老师和同学们从能源利用、工业投资、专业认同感等多方面的问题,学术气氛非常浓烈。通过本次精彩的学术盛宴,不仅让化工师生们了解了国内外煤/生物质汽化技术的前沿,也感受到了中西方国家在节能减排思维方式的不同,鼓励化工学子注重工业发展同时注重节能减排,提高能源利用效率,实现化工行业的可持续发展。
Dr. Guoqing Guan is a full professor of Hirosaki University, Japan. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Chemical Engineering from Sichuan University, China, in 1990, 1993 and 1995. He had ever worked as an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow in Germany and a JSPS research fellow in Japan. His research interests are coal/ biomass pyrolysis and gasification, bio-refinery, heterogeneous catalysts and energy materials for energy conversion, gas and ion separation technologies, fuel cells and water splitting for hydrogen production. He has published over 130 international journal papers, 9 patents and 4 book chapters. Total cited times by others are over 2250. He has received 2 awards from The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan and several awards in various conferences.